Industries Friendly To Workers Over 40

"With the baby-boomer generation approaching retirement, resulting in a shortage of approximately 10 million employees over the next decade, candidates with relevant work experience are becoming more in demand," according to ClassesUSA, an online higher education portal.

Many workers of a certain age fear being forced out of their jobs and forced into retirement so that their company can then hire younger replacements. Younger workers are cheaper, in theory, than their older counterparts. They generally cannot command wages as high as those with more experience and education than they have themselves.

Companies can also save by employing younger workers because they will have to shell out fewer dollars for health care, because younger workers are often healthier. Assuming a company participates in a matching program for retirement plans, they will also save money on that front, because the rate of young workers participating in retirement plans is smaller than the rate of older workers doing so.

"With the baby-boomer generation approaching retirement, resulting in a shortage of approximately 10 million employees over the next decade, candidates with relevant work experience are becoming more in demand. That gives older employees more leverage to request bigger paychecks and to change jobs later in life," according to ClassesUSA. "Fields such as health care, business-to-business services, education and services for the elderly are practically custom made for the older worker considering a job change."

The health care industry is ideal because many of the required academic programs can be completed in two years or less, and many health care jobs offer flexible schedules; consulting is a common opportunity in business-to-business settings, and consulting clearly favors those with experience in an industry; education is facing shortages and high turnover across the board and would benefit from older workers, who often bring a sense of loyalty to their workplace; and finally, older workers are especially cut out for the industry of services for the elderly because they are the ones most likely to understand what that population wants and needs.

For more details on why each of these industries are particularly well suited to workers 40 years old and older, see the entire article here.

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